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PPPs in Uzbekistan: A Promising Path Forward
On 29 February, a roundtable discussion on Public-Private Partnership was held, organised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance in partnership with the International Finance Corporation.The event aimed to facilitate joint dialogue and coordination of future PPP plans.
Biomass energy utilization in the world and in the conditions of Uzbekistan
"Biomass energy is one of the most promising types of renewable energy and is an important area for the development of sustainable energy sources, compared to traditional energy sources, including renewable energy sources. This type of energy is widely used in many countries, and Uzbekistan is not an exception..."
Disposal of elements of RES systems
“What will happen to the millions of solar panels, battery storage cells and wind turbines when they reach the end of their useful life?”
Building 29, Shivli str., Yunusabad dstr., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100084
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