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Главная/Projects by sector/ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT


Karakalpakstan and Khorezm solid waste management Project - Development of the Feasibility Study. Funded by EBRD
Name of Client: The State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for ecology and environment protection
Status: Completed (Completion Date (Month/Year): 03/2022)
Narrative description of Project: 
Preparation of the comprehensive feasibility study to assess the solid waste management (SWM) in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm province of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Identification of the inefficiencies in the sector regulation, where reforms are required. Project will be financed by EBRD loan, expected amount is USD 114 million.
1.    As a result of this project, it is estimated that 2 new landfills, 6 new reloading stations and 2 new reloading stations serving as receiving points will be built in Khorezm province. 
2.    As a result of this project, it is estimated that 4 new landfills, 4 sorting lines and 8 reloading stations will be built in Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Description of actual services provided in the assignment: 
•    Review the institutional and legal framework of the sector, including sector setup (assessment of policies, legislations, processes and institutional capacity), tariff-setting procedures, contractual arrangements and framework for municipal solid waste, hazardous and construction and demolition waste collection / processing / storage / recycling / treatment and disposal. Make necessary recommendations for organisational, legal and institutional changes regarding solid waste management (SWM) in the regions.
•    Identify the respective roles of central, regional, and local authorities in financing and management of solid waste sector including for example: the method and responsibilities for setting of waste tariffs and “green” energy tariff; control over the assets and SWM services (including waste collection, waste disposal, sale of separated waste (recyclables), and sale of energy produced from waste-sourced facilities (e.g. landfills gas utilisation, waste-to-energy facilities), regulatory responsibilities of various organisations that exist and the nature of their relationship with the Companies and other players in the waste management sector of the regions.
•    Assess current and propose more efficient form of organisational structure and management that will be optimal to successfully manage the Project: number, skills and attributes of employees; major departments; policies and practices relative to strategic planning, project preparation and implementation, operational planning and control, allocation of tasks, supervision of task execution, and related matters, human resources development policies and practices, including training and incentive schemes.
•    Propose financial and operational improvement plan on how to address the key financial and operational areas in which the Companies could consolidate or strengthen its performance and its underlying creditworthiness.
•    Adaptation of the prepared the bank-format feasibility report to the local feasibility study report in accordance with requirements of the President’s decree #3857 dd. 16.07.2018.
•    Close collaboration and supporting the Client during concurrence of the FSR with the line ministries (Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade).
•    Collecting and preparation of additional information and reports necessary for concurrence of the FSR, including approval by the interagency scientific-technical council for endorsing the main technical and financial parameters of the proposed project.
•    Supporting the Client in development of the draft resolution of the government (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers) on effecting the project by approving the FSR.

Djizzak Sanitation System Development Project – Proactive Integrity Review ADB
Name of Client: Asian Development Bank – Office of Anticorruption and Integrity
Status: Completed (Completion Date (Month/Year): 12/2020)
Narrative description of Project:
Djizzak Sanitation System Development Project (the Project) supports the Government of Uzbekistan in improving urban wastewater services for the city of Jizzakh. Responding directly to the needs of urban communities, it will upgrade and expand the existing sewerage system, provide wastewater treatment services, strengthen institutional capacity, and assist with development of a new provincial water supply and wastewater utility. The impact of the project will be improved living standards, environment, and public health in Jizzakh. The outcome of the project will be improved and expanded access to reliable, sustainable and affordable sanitation services in Jizzakh

Building 29, Shivli str., Yunusabad dstr., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100084
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