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Главная/Projects by sector/PUBLIC – PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS


Technical Consultant for Samarkand Distribution Company PPP Project 
Name of Client:  International Finance Corporation (IFC)  
Start Date (Month/Year): 01/2024 
Completion Date (Month/Year): 11/2025 
Status: Ongoing 
Narrative description of Project: The project involves implementing a full concession under a Regulatory Statement scheme, which involves a private operator taking over the distribution grid operation and development business of Samarkand Distribution System Operator (Samarkand DSO), with an end-date when ownership reverts to the state. This project marks Uzbekistan’s first PPP scheme in the distribution sector. The Consultant’s role includes addressing all accounting issues pertinent to the separation of Samarkand DSO’s activities, providing technical advice for the establishment of the new proposed company, and assisting with the tender process for selecting a qualified private sector participant in the Project. 
Description of actual services provided in the assignment: 
Phase 1 – Due diligence & structuring
● Сonduct a technical, E&S DD, Climate DD exercise of the Samarkand DSO operations, in order to identify all issues relevant to the implementation of the Project;
● Review the data and information provided by IFC and the Client and prepare a preliminary due diligence questionnaire highlighting additional input or documents required from the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU), JSC RDN, or other stakeholders to conduct the due diligence;
● Identify any significant gaps between local laws and regulations and the key requirements set forth in the relevant IFC PSs and provide recommendations to bridge the gaps where applicable;
● Identify key E&S issues affecting the Project and related gaps in information, which may need to be addressed as a matter of priority by the Client or that will need to be addressed at the E&S Impact Assessment (ESIA) stage, which will be performed by the PPP Concessionaire;
● Сonduct a preliminary assessment of environmental risks and liabilities (contamination and hazardous waste inventory) associated with the existing assets, and of the potential environmental and social impacts associated with modernization and new construction, including potential retrenchment of workers, land acquisition, resettlement, and livelihood restoration, outlining a mitigation strategy, inclusive of cost analysis, in a manner consistent with the Performance Standards and will include a preliminary stakeholder mapping and analysis and provide recommendations to the client for stakeholder engagement activities;
● Review Uzbekistan’s National Determined Contributions (NDCs), Long-Term Strategies and/or National Climate Action Plans as well as any available climate change studies/analyses regarding mitigation and adaptation in the energy sector;
● Calculation of climate scenarios and risk levels;
● GHG emissions analysis, GHG reduction plans and adaptation strategies;

Phase 2 – Tender
● Assist IFC in the prequalification process, including by preparing responses to clarifications questions received from prospective bidders, and participating in pre-bid events as required;
● Produce a bidders’ version of the DD Report, which (i) will be closely based on the final DD report (omitting any confidential information), (ii) will be included in the Virtual Data Room for review (but not reliance) by prequalified bidders, (iii) will be capable of being relied upon by the winning bidder (subject to the terms of a reliance letter to be provided by the Consultant, the form of which shall be finalized and agreed with IFC); 
● Facilitate the bidders’ due diligence, including by supporting IFC in providing responses to bidders on all questions and requests for clarification, taking primary responsibility for technical related questions;
● Support the IFC team and the legal consultants in drafting the environmental aspects of the bidding documents and contracts:
● Assist the Government and IFC in evaluating the bid proposals submitted in relation to the distribution concession contract.
Technical Consultant to support and assist in the organization of competitive bids in the hydropower industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Funded by IDA (The World Bank Group)
Name of Client:  Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan 
Start Date (Month/Year): 07/2023 
Completion Date (Month/Year): 12/2024 
Status: Ongoing 
Narrative description of Project: The Government of Uzbekistan (“GoU”) aims to prioritize the development of small and medium hydropower projects to diversify the country’s energy mix. Presidential Decree PF-101 dated 9th April 2022 has instructed “Uzbekhydroenergo” JSC to implement the development of such hydro projects on a Public Private Partnership (“PPP”) basis. Uzbekhydroenergo has identified 5 small and medium hydro projects with a cumulative capacity of ~46,6 MWs for development through the PPP route and is planning to award all projects under a single competitive bidding process.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment: 
The key objectives of this assignment are to: 
 Provide support to the authorities on review of the existing studies and identify additional studies that will be required for implementing competitive bids
 Provide support in preparing, up to the final version, all the tender-related technical documentation and provide technical support to Uzbekhydroenergo and Uzbekhydroenergo’s financial and legal advisors for deploying a competitive bids scheme for the project. 
 Provide detailed technical assistance to the relevant authorities for the implementation of the hydropower competitive bids.  

Scope of Work 
1. Provide support to the authorities on review of the existing studies and identify additional studies that will be required for implementing competitive bids 
 Review the data and pre-feasibility studies available with Uzbekhydroenergo; 
 Identify gaps in the information or additional studies that will be required to implement the competitive bids; 
 Provide recommendations to Uzbekhydroenergo on additional studies that need to be conducted; 
 After consultation with Uzbekhydroenergo, finalize the list of studies with a clear distinction between the studies that will be conducted prior to the launch of the competitive bids and those that will be the responsibility of the selected bidder; 
 Review and comment on the additional studies prepared by the Uzbekhydroenergo.  
2. Provision of technical assistance for Uzbekhydroenergo in developing a detailed structure for competitive bids Eligibility criteria for bidders to demonstrate that they possess the technical capacity to deliver the project; 
 Selection criteria (e.g. price only, following assessment of technical qualification); 
 Decommissioning requirements, taking into account the potential use of the sites in future years; 
 Additional measures that might be used to enhance the bankability of the project(s) by changing the allocation of risks faced by investors (e.g. guarantees, measures to assist bidders in obtaining permits);  
 Provide technical inputs and support in developing of all the tender documentation required for the hydropower competitive bids
 Provide inputs and support in preparation, up to the final version, of the documentation for the first stage of the competitive bids (the 
3. Request for Qualification (RfQ) stage during which Expressions of Interest (EOIs) will be received) in line with the positions agreed with Uzbekhydroenergo; 
 Provide inputs and support in preparation, up to the final version, of the documentation for the main parts of the Request for Proposal (RfP) (covering the invitation to tender) in line with positions agreed with Uzbekhydroenergo; 
 Provide technical inputs and support in the preparation, up to the final version, the necessary documentation needed for the implementation of the competitive bids, including but not limited to:  
 PPP Agreement; 
 Power Purchase Agreement  
 Grid Connection Agreement 
 Final drafts related to the bid forms.  
4. Provide the authorities with detailed technical assistance for the implementation of the hydropower competitive bids 
 Assist the authorities in administering the RFQ stage of the tenders 
 Assist the authorities in responding to bidder technical clarifications at different stages of the bidding process 
 Provide assistance to the authorities for the technical evaluation of bids in line with the evaluation criteria established in the RfP 
 Provide the authorities with assistance in conducting negotiations with selected bidders on all of technical aspects of the key project agreements. 
The environmental and social workflow consists of review of the studies done by the Gidroproekt and / or Uzbekhydro. 
The Consultant shall review and provide comments to Uzbekhydro for the usual suite of documents, such as an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF), gender action plan, and a grievance redress mechanism.
Building 29, Shivli str., Yunusabad dstr., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100084
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