Name of Client: Joint Stock Company National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) Status: Ongoing (Completion Date (Month/Year): 01/2025) Narrative description of Project: The project envisages the construction of a high voltage transmission substation (Muruntau substation – 500 kV) and a 177 km 500 kV transmission line from the Navoi power plant to the “Besopan” switching point along with the related equipment in the Navoi province of North-Western Uzbekistan, strengthening the reliability and stability of the country’s transmission network and improving the capacity of the electricity system, as well as supporting integration of future renewable generation capacity.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
Providing project management support to the PIU as required, including contract supervision and administration.
Ensuring that Works are being carried out in compliance with construction permits, environmental permit and environmental, health and safety, and social requirements of Banks, technical documentation and Laws.
Supervising the Works, assure technical assistance during civil and other works execution, approve the materials, equipment and workmanship.
Design Check
Assessing the adequacy of the basic environmental data used for the design, the applicability of the design basis established for the detailed design. Checking adequacy of the Contractor detailed design based upon own calculations and evaluations.
Approval of Design
Reviewing and approving the Design Documents prepared by the Contractor and the specified consents in accordance with the Contract, in particular to ensure that such Design Documents are in accordance with the:
Approved design;
Requirements of the contract and in particular the warranties given in the contract.
Employer's requirements, Reference Design, and Technical Specifications;
Assisting the Client in obtaining the local design approvals by responsible bodies, if this is foreseen by local regulations and legislation.
Ensuring that all applicable environmental and social requirements of the Bank are being adhered to and that the PIU is duly informed about the requirements, including assistance to PIU in the development, review and submission of the national EIA (OVOS), implementation of the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), environmental and social monitoring plan, Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF)/ Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and preparation of annual environmental and social reports (AESR) to the Bank using the approved EBRD reporting format.
Supervising and monitoring the implementation of the ESAP by the Borrower and the contract conditions by the contractor.
Preparing a detailed report detailing the progress of the Project and ESAP implementation, and, if required, listing additional recommendations that need to be considered to deliver the Project in line with EBRD requirements.
Preparing all necessary regular monthly and quarterly and other reports, including ad hoc, on the progress of the project.
Preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Guidance documentation for REMIT MPA Phase 1 for Uzbekistan component. Funded by World Bank
Name of Client: Joint Stock Company National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) Status: Ongoing (Completion Date (Month/Year): 06/2024) Narrative description of Project: The REMIT project will help facilitate enhanced electricity trade and enable clean energy transition in Central Asia. The proposed MPA framework is structured to support the development and scale up of the regional power market in the region in a comprehensive manner. The transition starts with MPA 1, targeting the establishment and operationalization of a pilot day-ahead electricity market to trade the power on the margins of bilateral PPAs, some critical investments to promote trade and an initial set of capacity building activities to create the right enabling environment for trade. The purpose of the Phase I is to bring market principles in regional cooperation in Central Asia and to build trust to the market among the countries.
The proposed Project (MPA1) is framed along three components. This assignment addresses the component 3 of the project: Strengthening enabling environment and institutional capacity.
As effective cross-border trade depends on reliable power sectors at domestic level, this component will support activities aimed at: (i) strengthening the financial viability and governance of national power sectors (e.g. tariff reform); (ii) reinforcing regulatory authorities – through training, capacity building, specific activities. This component will also support project supervision, management and coordination.
Its specific objectives are:
• To develop for adoption by the Project, necessary Environment and Social Guidance documentation: a) Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), b) Labor Management Procedures (LMP), c) Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP); and d) specific instruments (ESMPs) for implementation of identified sub-projects as well as e) recommendations for actions to be undertaken during implementation phase for inclusion in the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP);
• To develop a plan to enhance the capacity to manage environmental and social issues in all project entities on a sustainable basis.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
I. Review and identify key social and environmental issues that need to be reflected in the ESMF, which without limitation, include the following: • Topography and local drainage with respect to land identified for project activities and any associated facilities (as defined in ESS1);
• Removal of vegetation / tree cutting and plantation in substation premises;
• Safety of the workers during project execution and operation, including working at heights, for example;
• For substations, humming during tripping/voltage fluctuation, safe handling of oils, and other specialty material like SF6 and Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), fire safety, safety of electrical installations, lighting, signposting, emergency equipment, and communication systems, fire safety, first aid equipment, and rescue services and where included, infrastructure for the residential colony attached with the sub-station;
• Labor working conditions and prevention of child and forced labor
• Community safety in the vicinity of project activities during execution and operation including any risks of project activities’ induced gender-based violence.
• Land acquisition and issues of displacement for sub stations and its impacts on communities specifically the vulnerable communities including women, elderly population, poor people etc.;
• Third party monitoring/assessment of RAP implementation to assess the reach of R&R/welfare measures to PAPs and local community;
Impacts on biodiversity resources encountered during the execution of the project activities, including ecosystem services provided by such resources;
• Cultural Heritage related issues, for instance handling chance finds, or other tangible and intangible cultural resources;
Stakeholder identification and mapping;
• Institutional Arrangements for actions at each stage, and an indicative block cost estimate or unit costs for environmental and social measures;
• Establishment of an effective Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for all project entities.
II. Review and incorporate the relevant provisions of current applicable stipulations of Laws/Decrees/Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan ;
III. Prepare Environment and Social Management Guidance documents including the following: Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Resettlement Policy Framework (including entitlement framework), Labor Management Procedure (LMP), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Gender Development Framework (GDF), Inputs to the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP);
IV. Prepare Environment and Social Management Guidance documents including the following: Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Resettlement Policy Framework (including entitlement framework), Labor Management Procedure (LMP), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Gender Development Framework (GDF), Inputs to the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP);
• Visit all currently identified segments of transmission lines and locations of sub-stations under consideration
• Collect information regarding the existing environmental and socio-economic conditions
• Assess the potential magnitude of environmental and social impacts based on design activities and existing site conditions with specific reference to impacts on vulnerable groups such as women, elderly population, poor people etc.;
• Develop management measures consistent with the mitigation hierarchy in line with World Bank Environmental and Social Framework;
• Consult with local (potentially) impacted people and relevant stakeholders to confirm adequacy of the measures proposed;
• Identify implementation arrangements, including standardized reporting, monitoring, and evaluation formats for these measures;
• Estimate costs depending on nature of the measures recommended;
• Report preparation to document all of the above
IV. Public Consultations and Disclosure workshops;
V. Support in discussing the feedback of the World Bank on the draft documents, and in suitably addressing the comments of the World Bank;
VI. Support in disclosure of the draft and final version of the report at the field offices of IA/Entity, their website and project areas.
Development of the DBO FIDIC Contract for construction of 500 kV SS Surkhan (Uzbekistan) – SS Pule-Khumri (Afghanistan) 201 km transmission line. Funded by ADB
Name of Client: Joint Stock Company National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) Status: Completed (Completion Date (Month/Year): 12/2020) Narrative description of Project: Construction of 500 kV SS Surkhan – SS Puli-Khumri transmission line (201 km) will connect Uzbekistan (SS Surkhan) and Afghanistan (SS Puli-Khumri) power grids and increase reliability of the regional power system. In addition, transmission line will increase energy trade in the region.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
• Consulting on the procedures for concluding and executing FIDIC contracts. • Participation in finalizing a bid proposal by NEGU and contract negotiations conducted by NEGU (Uzbekistan) with DABS (Afghanistan). • Assistance in formulation of financial and legal aspects of the standard FIDIC contract and negotiating FIDIC DBO contract (Gold Book) between the parties. • Assisting NEGU in preparation of the draft particular and special conditions to the contract (PCC, SCC).
Construction of 220 kV Substation Zafarobod and two HVL kV Syrdarya TPP – Substation Zafarobod in the Jizzah province and Restoration of the HV line 500 kV Guzar-Regar (L-507) in Uzbekistan. Funded by ADB
Name of Client: Joint Stock Company National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) Status: Ongoing (Completion Date (Month/Year): 07/2024) Narrative description of Project: The project is financed by ADB loan in the amount of 101.2 million USD. The objective of the Project are as follows: (i) increase energy security through the diversification and expansion of energy supply routes; (ii) improve power supply reliability in the country and region; (iii) reduce transmission losses; and (iv) improve operational efficiency of the power system. The Project will result in an erection of newly built high-voltage transmission assets and reconstruction/expansion of existing ones to secure power supply from Tajikistan to Uzbekistan consumers to increase the regional electricity trade among Central Asian Countries. Component 1:
Rehabilitation of high voltage line L507 (500 kV) Guzar (Republic of Uzbekistan) Regar (Republic of Tajikistan) Regional Power Transmission Line of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Surkhandarya province
Component 2:
Construction of Zafarobod Substation (Jizzakh region) and expansion of substation in Syrdarya TPP; and construction of double circuit voltage Power Transmission Lines (220 kV) Syrdarya TPP – Substation Zafarobod, Jizzakh and Syrdarya;
Support for Institutional Development, Capacity Building, and Project Management;
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
• Review and confirm the contractor’s all technical design submission and drawings with detailed activities;
• Prepare and implementing Project Performance Monitoring Systems and evaluate effectiveness of the project;
• Prepare and submission of a Project Inception Report and periodic reports including environmental monitoring report;
• Review, audit and acceptance/approval of the detailed designs (drawings and design documents) provided by the contractors of the various project components;
• Supervision over the EPC contractors during the project execution, executing the role of the Engineer, during the construction of the project facilities and provide guidance to the contractors to conform with specifications;
• Develop and implementation of the construction quality assurance program;
• Review the contractors' test procedures for compliance with manufacturers' requirements and design criteria;
• Monitor and verify Contractors’ work and assist the PMU in issuance of related certificates;
• Witness commissioning, guarantee, and acceptance tests, and assist NEGU in taking over the completed facilities. Review commissioning reports prepared by the contractors to be included in quarterly reports and the Project Completion Reports;
• Review and supervise compilation of the "as-built" drawings and review the operation and maintenance manuals provided by the contractors for accuracy and adequacy;
• Financial management of Project-related activities, including establishing a management information system, assistance in accounting and preparation of financial statements as well as the review of all costs and contractor(s) invoices and making recommendations to the PMU for payment based on contract(s) and progress of works and issuance of payments certificates;
• Ensure overall implementation of the environmental management plan (EMP) and monitoring contractors’ implementation of environmental mitigation measures as outlined in the EMP;
• Finalize, update, based on the final engineering and design, and implement the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan and compensation plans, where the cost of compensation will be borne by NEGU;
• Prepare semi-annual safeguard monitoring reports and provide early warning and reporting of any potential safeguard risks with detailed description of the event and proposed corrective actions;
• Review progress and result of training programs to be provided by contractor(s);
• Review contractors' commissioning programs and make recommendations to the PMU;
• Witness all commissioning tests for new equipment before connecting to the power system;
• Assist the PMU with the creation of an operation and maintenance plan;
• Prepare the Project Completion Reports.