Consulting services for Technical Due Diligence for Nukus 100 MW wind power plant in the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Name of Client: UL Services (Spain) Status: Ongoing Narrative description of Project: The рurроsе of the assignment was to conduct technical due diligence for Nukus 100 MW Wind Power Plant, located in Karauzak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Site inspection consisted of (a) review technical aspects of grid connections, (b) overhead transmission line passing locations, (c) review of operating substations on the ability of accepting power generated by Nukus 100 MW Wind Power Plant; (d) visual inspection of the existing access roads and soil conditions; (e) the presence of social facilities in the project area and the impact on the environment during the construction and maintenance of the facility.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
• Review the position of Nukus 100 MW Wind Power Plant in the country’s power system as well as network and grid code/practices and the operational regimes; • Review of grid connection points. The capacity and stability of the existing grid (if exists); • Visit and inspect the “Khorezm 220 kV Substation” and “Beruniy 220 kV Substation” to study existing capacity and reconstruction activities to accept generated power from Nukus 100 MW WPP; • Review of wind turbine positions; • Inspection of installed wind masts’ condition; • Existing land use and infrastructure; • Study of highways A-380 and 4P-190 and access roads (existing and planned) • Assisting in preparation of the TDD reports.
Consulting services for Technical Due Diligence for Bash 500 MW and Dzhankeldi 500 MW wind power plants in Uzbekistan including site visit and review of permitting aspects
Name of Client: GOPA – International Energy Consultants GmbH (Germany) Status: Completed (Completion Date (Month/Year): 31/08/2022) Narrative description of Project: The рurроsе of the assignment was to conduct technical due diligence for Bash 500 MW and Dzhankeldi 500 MW Wind Power Plants, located in Gijduvan (Bash WPP) and Peshku (Dzhankeldi WPP) districts in Bukhara province. Site inspection consisted of review technical aspects of grid connections, overhead transmission line passing locations and electrical equipment; visual inspection of the existing access roads and soil conditions, the possibility of construction of new access roads to wind turbine locations through hills.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
• Review the position of each of the two wind farms in the country’s power system as well as network and grid code/practices and the operational regimes; • Review of grid connection points. The capacity and stability of the existing grid (if exists); • Visit and inspect the foreseen substation area at Bash wind farm, the foreseen substation area at Dzhankeldy wind farm; • Review of wind turbine positions; • Inspection of installed wind masts’ condition; • Existing land use and infrastructure; • Access roads (existing and planned); • Preparation of ESDD and Technical Due Diligence reports.
Consulting services for Zarafshan 500 MW WPP in Uzbekistan including site visit and review of permitting aspects
Name of Client: UL Services (Spain) Status: Completed (Completion Date (Month/Year): 30/09/2021) Narrative description of Project: The рurроsе of the assignment was to conduct site-observation of the Zarafshan Wind Farm Project, located near the Zarafshan city, Navoi province. Site inspection consisted of visual inspection of the roads and soil conditions, existing environmental and social situations and the possible impacts of the project. Site inspection report also includes the survey of national regulations and licensing requirement needed during the project construction.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
Observation and inspection of: • Access roads; • Existing land use and infrastructure; • Grid connection points; • Wind farm substation; • Wind turbine positions; • Outline the national grid connection requirement; • List of required permits and licenses required for the construction according the national regulation; • Preparation of required reports.
Distribution Network Development Master Plan project. Funded by ADB
Name of Client: ADB/Joint Stock Company Regional Electric Networks (REN) Status: Completed (Completion Date (Month/Year): 21/09/2022) Narrative description of Project: For the preparation of distribution network development masterplan and smart-grid road map, analytical works and preparation of the distribution network development master plan (110 kV and below) will be performed. This will help to address high losses, reliability issues, and meet the increasing electricity demand in the distribution sector. The master plan will (a) review the national investment program and transmission grid expansion plan currently under development with World Bank’s assistance in consideration of the long-term power supply–demand balance via solid middle-term provision of electricity demand; (b) identify current and future major load centers and problems of balancing electricity supply and demand, potentially including electric vehicle integration, distributed renewable energy generation, and energy storage; (c) conduct least-cost analysis among technology options and derive optimal configuration of low voltage networks using modern technology; (d) set an automation goal in time and develop associated smart-grid road map; and (e) identify short, medium, and long-term investment priorities and cost estimates. The master plan will recommend technology options to digitalize the distribution network (automated control system in the power supply chain from substations – distribution point – transformer point – consumer), accommodate prospective distributed small-scale renewables and energy storage systems, and identify ways to maximize the use of the advanced metering infrastructure with a view to transforming the grid into a cleaner, smarter, and more flexible one while lowering the total system cost.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
• Study of data on single-line schemes of primary/secondary distribution networks of the Republic of Uzbekistan; • Data collection on the components of the distribution system (types of lines and transformers), as well as on the physical attributes of the distribution system components; • Collecting data and development of power system models for 2021, 2025, and 2030 based on the load flow analysis software format. Analyzing distribution network. Selecting technologies, design, and equipment in consideration of the long-term climate change impact and secure climate resilience. (iv) Economic evaluation of potential projects and prioritization of including benefits and costs: (a) benefit due to loss reduction, (b) benefit due to reduction of unserved demand costs, (c) benefit due to improved reliability, (d) investment costs, and (e) operation and maintenance costs. (v) Preparation of a 5-year distribution network development plan for JSC REN with a vision for 10-year development roadmap.